Learn How To Create
A Biz Plan, Strategy, And Content With AI

This Online Workshop Teaches How To Get AI To
Create Your Biz & Marketing Strategy -
And Create 12 Weeks Of Content!

You don't have to go far to hear people talking about AI. It's not just tech people talking about it. I was at the hair salon recently, and people were talking about ChatGPT. I was out with friends at a wine tasting and lunch.- and everyone was talking about ChatGPT.

I know you're hearing a lot of about ChatGPT. And you're probably wondering how to start using it for business.

Maybe you've dabbled with AI.. but by the time you have to edit and re-word the crap it gives you, it feels like it's making you work 3x harder, rather than saving you time.....

If you feel that way - you are not alone!

It takes work to figure out the right prompts to get GOOD results.

And I've Done That Work For You!

Here are all of the things you will be able to do with the prompts:

  • Get Clarity On Your Branding
  • Define Your Target Market
  • Define Customer Pain Points
  • Create Your Mission Statement
  • Complete A Competitor Analysis
  • Define Your Brand Voice
  • Come Up With 5 Product / Service Ideas
  • Come Up With 5 Lead Magnet Ideas

Here's What You'll Receive:

You'll Be Able To Download The Prompts & Watch The Recorded Workshop Immediately  

  • You'll Get Access To Done-For-You Prompts That Have Been Tested & Proven To Get Results
  • You'll Get A Recorded Workshop - Watch Me Use The Prompts Step-By-Step
  • I'll Show You How To Use The Prompts & How To Get The Best Results
  • I'll Be Using The Prompts With Different Business Examples, Doing The Work Right In Front Of You - Just Follow Along

In Case We Haven't Met Yet

Hi there! I’m Crissy Herron, the founder of IndieBizChicks.com

I started my business in 2007, and it has been the BEST thing I’ve ever done! I get to do what I love, and I get to work on my own schedule.  

I’ve been able to help my sister out with my nephews and niece (my nephews have now graduated, but I'm still at school pick up everyday to get my niece). I get to have all the family time I want. I get to travel when I want. And I never have to worry about asking a boss for permission!

Normally $47, Get This Workshop For Free!

You'll Get Immediate Access To This Recorded Workshop!

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