Heat Up Your Biz With Summer School 

Take The Second Half Of 2018 To New Levels By Learning New Skills This Summer!

Summer is here - and it's time to either take a break, OR turn up the heat in your biz by learning new skills.

The second half of 2018 started on July 1. There's plenty of time to meet your goals and ROCK the second half of the year.

When you join Summer School, you will receive access to 12 recorded classes. All of the topics are listed below.

You will learn lots of new skills that will help you grow your email list, create sales funnels, implement systems in your business, get more sales, earn passive income, and expand your income.  

Are you ready to join Summer School and learn the skills you need to make this an awesome year in your business??

Here Are The Summer School Class Recordings That You Will Receive

Creating A Website That Converts 

Learn how to create a website that helps you attract visitors, grow your email list and get more sales.  

How To Monetize Your Blog Posts 

There are many ways to monetize your blog posts - some you may have heard of (affiliate marketing) and some you may not be experienced with (working with brands and sponsors). We'll cover multiple ways to start earning income with your blog posts.  

How To Grow Your Email List  

Gowing an email list is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Learn how to get more subscribers without spending money on expensive ads.  

Setting Up Systems In Your Biz  

Setting up systems in your business will help you get more done - in less time. Creating systems will also help you start outsourcing - when you are ready. You'll learn systems strategies for creating content, marketing, social media and more. 

Make Over Your Copywriting  

Copywriting is an essential business skill. Copywritng is sales writing - and you need these skills when you write sales pages, product descriptions, social media posts, emails, and more.

Setting Up Sales Funnels 

Creating sales funnels will help you automate your business. Instead of constantly being in launch mode, you'll be able to create an opt-in and a funnel that will help you earn passive income - even while you sleep.

It Was $97 To Join The Live Version Of Summer School But You Can Get ALL Of The Recordings For Just $17

Creating Passive Income With Affiliate Marketing  

Learn how to start earning more income with affiliate marketing. I've earned over $10,000 in the last 2 years as an affiliate just ONE program. I'll tell you all of my tips in this class.

Creating Passive Income With Info Products  

Creating info products can change your life! There are only so many hours you can work each day. When you start creating info products, you put in the work once, and can sell them over and over. You'll be able to profit from your work for months and years to come.  

Get Featured In The Press 

Getting featured in the press will help you find new customers and helps you build a strong business reputation. Learn how to get interviewed on websites and podcasts, and get featured in local newspapers, in national news, and more.


Creating A Challenge To Find New Customers 

Challenges are a great way to introduce your business to new customers. It's a way to introduce people to what you offer, and show them how you can help them. Learn how to put together a live challenge - and an evergreen challenge.  

How To Create Time Freedom By Outsourcing  

Do you feel like you never have the time to get all of your business tasks done? Learn how to start outsourcing, so you can focus on your money makng tasks, while the other tasks still get done.  

Creating A Content & Promotional Calendar For The 2nd Half Of 2018 

This will be a hands-on workshop, where you will create a content and promotional calendar for the second half of 2018. Imagine how much easier running your business will be, once you have your content and promotions figured out!  

In Case We Haven't Met Yet....

Hi there! I’m Crissy Herron, the founder of IndieBizChicks.com & ReadyToUseContent.com I started my business in 2007, and it has been my only income for years! Plus – I’m a single girl; there’s no husband or boyfriend helping me out. My business really is my sole income! Starting my business was the BEST thing I’ve ever done! I get to do what I love, and I get to work on my own schedule. I’m able to help my sister out with my nephews and niece (ages 5 – 18). I get to have all the family time I want. I get to travel when I want. And I never have to worry about asking a boss for permission!

Get ALL Of The Recordings Now For Just $17